When Jade Finlayson’s YPI group chose St Columba’s Hospice Care as the charity they wanted to represent in 2013, little did she know she would work for the worthy organisation more than a decade later.
Based in Edinburgh, the hospice provides palliative care and support to those diagnosed with a terminal illness and their families.
Jade, who now works as a Child and Families Lead Practitioner at the charity, said she had a personal experience of the hospice prior to taking part in YPI.
Having been given the opportunity to research the charity in depth, she gained a better understanding of the support St Columba’s Hospice offers.
Taking part in the YPI and furthering her knowledge on the impact hospice services can have on families had inspired Jade so much that she returned to the same hospice, now supporting children and young people experiencing bereavement.
“As a young person, I felt empowered being able to donate such a large amount (£3,000) to a well-deserving charity,” said Jade.
“From our visit to the hospice and discussions with members of staff during the YPI, I was aware of how this money would help the charity.”
Jade said she was “proud” to have the opportunity to represent St Columba’s Hospice Care during her time at school.
She added: “It is a privilege to see future generations coming into the hospice to research the charity for their own YPI.”