This month, as part of our YPI Programme Officer Spotlight campaign, we are excited to introduce Mark who works with schools in Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire, North Ayrshire, East Ayrshire, South Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway.
How would you describe YPI in three words?
Caring, learning, creating.
What do you enjoy the most about your job?
Seeing young people across the country work so hard to make a difference in their community. I’m consistently blown away by the efforts from students, teachers and charities to build closer community ties, showcase young talent and raise their voices for those in need. I’m grateful in that I get to work in partnership with so many outstanding educators who want the most for their students.
What does YPI mean to you?
YPI is about reframing the skills students work to develop every day in school as real tools they can use to create change. Students apply skills such as building partnerships, collaborative learning, project management, and creative thinking in real-world contexts to achieve something meaningful. Young people decide with their teammates what social issue they would most like to make a difference to – but whether that’s poverty or elderly care, it’s all about making their community that little bit better for those who live in it.
What is your favourite YPI memory?
Every YPI final is hugely enjoyable. Seeing the hard work of dedicated teachers and students pay off is inspiring, and I’m glad I get to be a small part of it.
Interesting/ fun fact about you
As a child I appeared briefly on an episode of Taggart. My main memory of that day is one of the lead actors throwing a tantrum because I had been given his sandwiches when filming went late.