When: Tuesday 13th September 2022

Where: Dundee and Angus Chamber of Commerce, 37 City Quay, Dundee, DD1 3JA

Time: 4-6pm, arrival from 3.45pm for sandwiches, tea and coffee.

The Wood Foundation is inviting you to our first in-person professional learning event since March 2020, focused on exploring the potential of the Youth and Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) across Tayside. This is an opportunity to collaborate, be inspired, and consider the strategic value and impact of the programme with peers and The Wood Foundation. There will be senior leaders sharing their perspectives, as well as student and practitioner-led workshops to strengthen practice.

This is a meaningful professional learning opportunity to drive your school’s efforts in ensuring youth voice, youth action, and youth philanthropy have the highest possible standing within Scotland. This event demonstrates our partnership commitment with your school to achieve this. 

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/maximising-the-impact-of-ypi-tickets-371219476447

For more information, contact



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