YPI Scotland is excited to announce the launch of a new podcast mini-series called How Do You Do Yours?
Designed as a resource for teachers and senior leadership teams, this three-episode series brings together 10 experienced teachers from across Scotland, offering invaluable insights and sharing best practices to support the delivery of YPI in schools.
Each episode focuses on a key element of YPI, making it easy for teachers to gather ideas and learn from others in a format that fits into busy schedules.
Whether you are just getting started with YPI or looking to enhance your current approach, this series provides tips and inspiration to make your YPI journey even more impactful.
The episodes are:
• How do you link YPI at your school? – hear how different schools have successfully integrated YPI into their curriculum, created meaningful connections, and empowered young people to be active citizens connected with their communities.
• How do your young people engage with charities? – teachers share strategies for encouraging students to actively connect with local charities, detailing their approaches to guiding young people in meaningful charity engagement. They discuss how these initiatives help students develop a deeper awareness and passion for addressing social issues within their communities.
• How do you run your successful final? – discover creative and practical approaches to planning, organising and hosting a memorable YPI final. With the potential for future episodes, ‘How do you do yours?’ aims to be an ongoing resource that supports educators in delivering an enriching YPI experience.
With the potential for future episodes, How Do You Do yours? aims to be an ongoing resource that supports educators in delivering an enriching YPI experience.
We would like to sincerely thank the following teachers and schools for their time and support in recording the new podcast series: Debbie Robertson (St Andrew’s RC Secondary School in Glasgow), Alan Tait (St Columba’s School in Inverclyde), Hannah Clark (Banff Academy in Aberdeenshire), Matt Wadkins (McLaren High School in Stirling), Celia Newton (Inverkeithing High School in Fife), Scott Buchan (Northfield Academy in Aberdeen City), Chrissie Matthews (Duncanrig Secondary School in South Lanarkshire), Julie Petrie (Crieff High School in Perth & Kinross), Magdalena Katzig (Biggar High School in South Lanarkshire), and Paul Gallanagh (Dunoon Grammar School in Argyll & Bute).